Why I Committed Suicide

This website is an open suicide letter to the world. Two objectives for this website are to:

1. Publicly shame those people and entities who deliberately and consciously harmed me and deserve to be called out for what they did – especially during my darkest days and in the depths of struggle

2. Provide an open window as to the causality of one human being’s suicide so that you understand why people like us commit suicide

Critics accuse those who commit suicide of being “cowards” and that is the opposite of who we really are. We are kind, sensitive, loving people who get pushed too far, see the world for what it is, call it out for what it is and suffer for it. Suicide is for some an act of desperation or impulse but for many of us, suicide is a well thought out, meaningful and courageous act with many motivations: self-determination, a revolt against living in a fucked up society, a rebellion against the oppression of our soul, the end of extreme mental anguish, a purification and vindication, a last act of justice and a path to eternal freedom and rest.

Everything stated here are facts and truths to the best of my recollection and swear this upon the ashes of my dead mother, Joyce Bloodgood, the ashes of my dead partner, Kara Whalen as well as the Ashes of Truth for there is no longer any truth in this world.

Understanding Suicide
Why we blow ourselves out.